All will bow down.

Hi friends!!

I am back with you, writing from my FAVORITE coffee shop, Just Love in Murfreesboro. They truly have the BEST mochas, mhm yes Lord.

This week I have been thinking a lot about all that has happened in life in the past year or so, you know since New Years just happened, and we have New Years resolutions everywhere. I have been thinking about the hard questions, like is the Father enough for me, am I okay sitting with Him, knowing that whatever happens is ultimately for my good and for His glory? Am I content with absolutely anything? Like truly content, knowing He is good no matter what? I would like to say I am super spiritual and could say yes to all these things, no hesitation, simply based off belief in my heart that those statements are 100% true. Unfortunately, that is not always the case, its like Mark 9:24 when the Father of the child who is possessed tells Jesus “Lord I believe but help my unbelief.” <— thats me. Lord I believe but help my unbelief. if thats you too, you’re not alone my friend.

This New Year has really brought me to a place of questioning myself, my walk with the Lord, how I react to others and what happens to me and those around me, a lot of thinking has ensued these past few weeks, and as you all know I like to take you along on some of my journeys, so here we go!

Here is my conclusion to all of that and all that has happened to me and to you in the past year of life: it all bows down to the King in the end. What do i mean by that? Let me explain.

I keep seeing these tweets that say your anxiety bows down to the King, your depression bows down to the King, your suicidal thoughts bow down to the King, but heres the thing: I really believe that is true.  It all bows down to the King in the end. While earth has temporary affliction and pain, it all bows down to the King in the end. Here on Earth we face brokenness, right? I am broken, you are broken, our friends are broken, relationships are broken, it’s all broken. As my friend, Whit would say “its messy.” She right, its messy. Life is messy, people are messy. people are broken, So what does that mean? if life is broken because we as people are broken, then what? It all bows down to the King in the end, thats it.

all that brokenness.

anxiety bows down to the King in the end.

depression bows down to the King in the end.

lying bows down to the King in the end.

cheating bows down to the King in the end.

hurting others bows down to the King in the end.

fear bows down to the King in the end.

shame/guilt bows down to the King in the end.

broken relationships bow down to the King in the end.

mistakes bow down to the King in the end.

insecurity bows down to the King in the end.

health issues bow down to the King in the end.

EVERYTHING bows down to the King in the end. absolutely EVERYTHING. IT ALL BOWS DOWN. Nothing compares to Jesus, not even your “thing,” whatever it may be. IT DOESNT BEAT HIM. 

Jesus is greater. 

He’s stronger. 

He’s mightier. 

He’s sinless. 

He’s wiser. 

He’s kinder. 

He’s perfect. 

He’s better. 

He’s worth the pain, the shame, the anxiety, the guilt. 

He’s worth the fight of your life, even if it is messy and broken, because in the end it all bows down to the King. Nothing compares to Him. So, in my time spent thinking about how life is broken and messy, my most favorite outcome of all of that is that I have finally learned that it all bows down to the King in the end. Everything bows down, nothing compares, and He takes it all and shows us what it means to truly only have Jesus but to be content with just Jesus. He takes the broken and the messy, but makes it clean and beautiful.

I am so so thankful that it all bows down to the King in the end, because I truly wouldn’t want it any other way. Thank you Jesus for beginning to teach my heart how you have taken brokenness and started to write the sweetest redemption story from it, simply because it all bows down to the King in the end.

praying for you friends, in all things. until next time!

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