Hello friends! It has been a minute since I have written or shared absolutely anything! It has been a really busy past few weeks and lots of changes have happened, the big one being I MOVED TO TEXAS. I still cannot believe it. I am here, not just visiting, like I live here, and it is quite insane to me. It all happened so fast! Of course Texas is vastly different than Tennessee and I have only been here a week, but so far Texas has taught me quite a few things, things I think are worth sharing.

  1. Change is hard and scary and honestly makes you wanna run and hide, but sometimes it is necessary. if you would have asked me last year if I thought I would be living in Texas in 2020, I probably would have said no. But here we are and I am here now. A big change happened and while I was and still am scared and it is still hard, it was necessary for me. No one said it wasn’t okay for it to be hard, it is 100% okay for it any type of change to be really hard. But sometimes change is what brings about the best and most needed healing. Change can create new opportunities, new experiences, new ways of thinking and seeing the world and those around you and sometimes the change, as hard as it is, can start to heal you in ways you never expected. So, let the change be hard and scary, but also take comfort in knowing that the Lord can use it to do some major work within your heart. 
  2. Letting people in and letting them love you can be an incredible experience, but you have to do the hard part and actually let them. Before I moved here, I was pretty comfortable with a few people knowing me deeply and seeing the parts of me that are ugly and hard, but ever since moving I am more certain than ever that not all people are out to hurt you and sometimes people really do just want to be let in and want to be a part of your life, and it is okay to let them. I was always pretty comfortable with those “few girls” to see who I really am, but I never knew how much I was holding back from Clayton till I moved. I was keeping him like a football field away because I was afraid of him, but the past week has proven that sometimes, people surprise you and want to be a supporter and encourager for you, but you have to open up parts of you you may not want to and let those people do just that. It can be a good thing, and not everyone is out to get you. (i think i always thought some people were). 
  3. It is OKAY to do things for you too. You do not always have to be last and you do not always have to worry about pleasing other people. If anything I have learned that people will always have an opinion about everything you do, whether it be positive or negative, an opinion will always be there. That doesn’t make those people bad people, it just means the world will always have an opinion and sometimes people will agree and sometimes they will not. I had to learn to be respectful and hear other people but that I don’t always have to make others happy with my choices and that when people really love you, whether they agree with you or not, they will still love you. Being a people pleaser can make you feel drained and lifeless, but working towards the idea that listening and understanding others opinions doesn’t always mean you have to do exactly what they say can make you feel full of life again. 
  4. Sometimes healing can come in many forms and you never know just how the Lord might use someone or something or a place or a job or whatever to help heal you. So, let Him. Don’t run and hide but embrace it. Let the healing happen and let the Lord do what He does best. 
  5. for me personally, I have learned just how much fun a person can be. i always have fun with my friends like Vineyard and Katie and others, but I haven’t spent an extended amount of time with Clayton other than over the phone and I never knew how much fun one person could be. Sometime people surprise you with just how wonderful they are and he definitely surprised me. I always knew he was one good man, but this move has solidified that Clayton is a rare kind and he is a whole list of words it would take me a decade to explain. 
  6. sometimes it feels hard to choose what others may see as a dangerous move or a risky move, but it can be so worth it. so let yourself choose the crazy choice and let yourself pursue the thing you never thought you could. just choose it and go and do it. it can be fun and freeing and exciting and you just might find out new things about yourself. 
  7. distance and location are no determination on love. if people want to love you and be a part of your life, they will. just as you choose who’s lives you want to be a part of. this move has shown me, even in just a week, that some people will be there for forever and some are only meant for a season. BUT BOTH ARE OKAY. it doesn’t make you or them bad people, it just simply means some are meant for the whole ride and some served their purpose in the short term.
  8. Texas is way different than Tennessee. Tennessee is southern, but yall havent seen southern till you visit Texas. i secretly think everyone is waiting on me to buy cowgirl boots and go full on Texan. (i may not be in TN anymore, but I dont think cowgirl boots will be a staple anytime soon 🙂 
  9. Texas is HOT, haha. It is May and it is 101 outside. I think in Tennessee it has been like 70-80 and that may be one of the things I miss most. 
  10. Yes, Whataburger is better than Chick Fil A. If you know me, I LOVE Chick Fil A, but Whatburger, i would take that any day over Chick Fil A. Come try it out my friends 😉

Texas is different and is an adjustment, but life is meant for more than just going through the motions right? Texas is an adventure and one I am glad I am taking, but that doesn’t mean the hard parts of moving go away- in fact they are there and I have to fight them just like everyone else. Embrace the change, friends, or that is the advice I was given. Embrace and learn to see the good in the hard and the change and it may just have a way of healing you and bringing about joy like you have never seen before.



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