“you are worth more than many sparrows…”

Hi friends, Happy Friday!!!

Image result for luke 12:6-7

I am back this morning, talking all things worth and the feeling of being worthy and being valued.

Sometimes, things happen in this life: there is brokenness, and it can come in many forms:

-there can be brokenness in relationships with people, romantic or friend relationships.

-there can be brokenness in our jobs, maybe we don’t have the job we would like, maybe our expectations of our current job or lack of a job is the brokenness.

-there can be brokenness in our expectations, maybe we expect our life to look a certain way and it looks like anything but that.

-there can be brokenness in our health, maybe sickness occurs in the form of cancers, autoimmune diseases, etc.

-there can be brokenness in the form of death, a person we truly love dies tragically and we feel the brokenness in that.

brokenness can take the form of many different things, but theres something all forms of brokenness have in common: brokenness can make us feel very unworthy and definitely not valued. Brokenness can make us feel crappy, useless, exhausted, angry, frustrated, any word you can think of that it makes you feel is valid, 100%. Brokenness just can make us forget who we are, but most importantly whose we are. 

so, this is what the Lord and I have been talking about this week: worth and value, and not allowing the brokenness of the world take that away from us.

friends, let me share some scripture with you that points us back to truth in this:

Luke 12:6-7, a personal favorite, “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Jesus is talking to His disciples here, but He’s also telling us “we are worth more than many sparrows, not one of us is actually forgotten by God.” Not ONE of us is forgotten by God. no matter the situation, no matter the brokenness, we are NOT FORGOTTEN by the Lord. you are seen and you are known. 

Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” To me, the Lord saying we are created in His own image alone, gives us worth and value. He took the time and effort to create us in His image, not in man’s image, but HIS image. He created us as He is, meaning each of us have character traits or personality traits that reflect the Lord.

Ephesians 2:10 “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, to do good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in it.” We are His workmanship, we are His, completely His. He created good works for us because we are His workmanship, this gives us worth because He’s reminding us that we are His and He has plans for each of us.

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” He knew us before He formed us. He gives us worth in that sentence alone. He knew us before He formed us. He wanted us before He formed us. the God of the WHOLE UNIVERSE knows us and wants us, He sets us apart friends.

Brokenness of the world can tell us we have no worth, no value, and believe me I understand the feeling of being broken and feeling unworthy, however, I want to believe the King when He says I have worth because He formed me, He knows me, and He wants me. just as He formed you, knows you and wants you friend.

He calls us His, we are His. we have worth simply because of that and let us fight the enemy in His quest to make us believe otherwise.

praying for you friend, praying you know your worth and your value in the Lord and His love for you. Let’s fight the lie of unworthiness together.


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